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Ukupno 17 proizvoda.

Apollon Ultra Monoblock Pair

Kategorija: Pojačala
Brend: Tsakiridis Devices
Količina kom
  • 544.800 din

Apollon in Greek Mythology was the God of music. A fitting name for this amplifier as it has excellent sound. It carries almost 20 years of development, as it is the descendant of the very first amplifier our company put to trade. Then it was named P...

MBL C11 Preamplifier

Kategorija: Pojačala
Brend: MBL
Količina kom
  • 884.400 din

Corona Line pretpojačalo C11 je dizajnirano u skladu sa visokim MBL standardima. ...

MBL C21 Power Amplifier

Kategorija: Pojačala
Brend: MBL
Količina kom
  • 924.000 din

Corona Line stereo pojačalo snage C21 koristi patentiranu LASA tehnologiju ("Linear Analog Switching Amplifier Design”)....

MBL C15 Mono Power Amplifier

Kategorija: Pojačala
Brend: MBL
Količina kom
  • 1.003.200 din

Monoblok pojačalo snage C15 je još jedan korak dalje u seriji Corona Line pojačala, dizajniran za najzahtevnije zvučnike i velike prostore....

Aavik U-180

Kategorija: Pojačala
Brend: Aavik Acoustics
Količina kom
  • 1.080.000 din

DAC and amp united - The Aavik U-180 Unity amplifier is processing the digital signal to an almost limitless soundstage and with plenty of power ressources. The music is presented on a huge black background.With the Aavik U-series we have combined a ...

MBL C51 Integrated Amplifier

Kategorija: Pojačala
Brend: MBL
Količina kom
  • 1.122.000 din

Pojačalo je srce svakog audio sistema. Integrisano pojačalo C51 je snažno i efikasno, istovremeno suptilno i prefinjeno. ...

Aavik U-280

Kategorija: Pojačala
Brend: Aavik Acoustics
Količina kom
  • 1.800.000 din

DAC and amp united - The Aavik U-280 Unity amplifier is processing the digital signal to an almost limitless soundstage and with plenty of power ressources. The music is presented on a huge black background....

Aavik U-580

Kategorija: Pojačala
Brend: Aavik Acoustics
Količina kom
  • 3.600.000 din

The Aavik U-580 Unity amplifier is processing the digital signal to an impressive dynamic speed, tight control and balanced stability, which creates persuasive and crystal-clear soundstage....

Ukupno: 17 proizvoda

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